Hi! My name is Martha, I've always had the dream to run my own business... and be a princess lol. Sadly only one of those dreams have come true, people ask me all the time "why spray tanning?" i will tell you why. I've always been somewhat shy and insecure of my body, which has made me reluctant of going to a spray tanning salon, I wanted to be able to go to someone that i was comfortable naked around with out any judgments, I am in no way a model or perfect but i do feel like i and many other people deserve to feel like we are beautiful and glamorous. I set out to find a top quality solution and  notable training with the best so that way i can provide to others what i could not find myself. AND I DID!!! My clients are all shapes, sizes, ages, and ethnicities. I absolutely love meeting each and everyone of you! My home is a no judgment zone! The solution i use is paraben free, cellulite fighting, and organic. UV radiation, whether from natural or artificial sources, damages the skin. Sunburns can be a very painful effect of UV exposure. Studies have shown a link between severe sunburn and melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. There is no such thing as safe tanning when it comes to laying out or going to tanning beds. The increase in skin pigment, called melanin, which causes the tan color change in your skin is a sign of damage. Please protect the skin you are in and tan the safe way with me!